Mulberry Methods is an evolving online platform of professional development content from Mulberry House Playschool in Brooklyn, New York. Find on-demand videos or join global audiences for our Zoom sessions with LIVE Q&A. Get inspired. Get connected. Enrich your practice. 

What makes Mulberry Methods different? 
Mulberry Methods are being practiced by real teachers, in a real classroom, with real children. Suzanne Cotton is not only the owner and director of Mulberry House Playschool, she's one of the teachers. And as a teacher, she understands the value of learning from other teachers who are actively working alongside children each day. Join Suzanne as she takes you (virtually) into Mulberry House and shares her insight and experience on working with young children. She'll fill you in on what works, what doesn't, and what she's learned along the way.  

What's offered here?

At this time, we offer two different kinds of professional development opportunities: Intensives and Tours & Talks.

are 20-30 minute, on-demand videos. Each video focuses on a different topic suggested by an educator like you. Watch on your own schedule, at a time that works best for you. 

TOURS & TALKS are longer, group events with a global audience. These Zoom sessions last upwards of 90 minutes and include a live Q&A session with Suzanne Cotton. Join us for Tours & Talks on Mulberry House's Main Classroom, Atelier, and Outdoor Space. Our newest course: "Becoming Reggio Inspired: Fostering Curiosity and Connection in your Early Childhood Setting" is a fantastic option for educators looking to gain inspiration through the Reggio Emilia Approach.  

These 20-30 minute on-demand videos can be viewed on your schedule. Each topic was suggested by an early childhood educator like you. 
Tours & Talks take you into our main classroom, our atelier, and into our outdoor space. Our newest virtual PD event, "Becoming Reggio Inspired" will give educators a clear look at how the Reggio Emilia Approach influences our child-centered program. Get a behind-the-scenes look at Mulberry House through video footage and photographic documentation and find inspiration for your practice. 
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